catstronaut84 — similar artists: 20six hundred, advection stride, jupiter-8, bt-84, ROBORG, jetfire prime, neon arcadia, thorisson, arc neon, see thomas howl, electric synthicate, strike eagle, Gab Manette, Don Dellpiero, timedriver, vh x rr, beau jordan, superflight, Sub Morphine, xennon, cobra copter, arcade summer, C Z A R I N A, atom force, spica, CoolAm7, midnight smoke, m.e.m., night leather, KILLSTARR, sammi doll, Dimi Kaye, Michael Weber, m.k. khan, midnight fury, cj burnett, ectoplague, Timestalker, ghosthost, sharlee, the night hour, eighties nights, red marker, Neon City Murder, Retröxx, LeveL 1, Index Code, Rain Sword, cottage cult, jonny fallout, ZXSP, blaze of gunfire, the state of synth, Gemwave, arkanoid74, riikira, james jupiter,