catherine+maclellan — similar artists: tara maclean, alpha chrome yayo, gnoss, mandolin orange, cry cry cry, jenny sturgeon, catherine maclellan, the foreign landers, kings & beggars, claire hastings, kacy & clayton, allison moorer, iona fyfe, project smok, hushman, karan casey, alice allen, salt house, siobhan miller, SarahDonner, the young'uns, rachel newton, richard inman, hudson records, iona lane, anaïs mitchell, cristina vane, DonovanWoods, còig, westward the light, malin lewis, outliers - jenny sturgeon, mike vass, eabhal, the haar, from the ground, sean cooney, jon boden, assynt, sarah harmer, gillian frame, sam sweeney, the outside track, rachel walker and aaron jones, ben nicholls, the hudson sessions, karine polwart with pippa murphy, old blind dogs, forest mountain hymnal, Egor Grushin, zwyntar, lori mckenna, the stray birds, the banwasi collective, kings of the south seas, lucy farrell, western centuries,