by+force — similar artists: vow of hatred, vicious embrace, the hopewell furnace, revenge season, caged existence, buried dreams, back to life, before i had wings, kingmaker, watchdogs, black cilice, typecaste, three knee deep, liar's tongue, traumaxqueen, castiel, seed of pain, no witnesses, facewreck, turn to dust, negromancy, trail of lies, simulakra, throne of the beheaded, kill on sight, roseblood, war prayer, skincarver, subnuba, one more victim, flagbearer, never ending game, falls apart, laid 2 rest, guttwrench, enemy mind, divided life, separated, septiroth, downswing, put down, gutcheck, by force, earth down, death rate, ends of sanity, to obey a tyrant, flawed saviour, plead your case records, law of power, proletariat youth, chamber of malice, timeless wounds, cannibal grandpa, flesh mother, division of mind, incited,