bad+rites — similar artists: beasters, kill the client, monnier, hayaino daisuki, retortion terror, crowpath, blight worms, organ dealer, agents of abhorrence, bad rites, plague widow, noisebazooka, parlamentarisk sodomi, gets worse, my minds mine/ sick of stupidity, gendo ikari, makkmat, gcbt records, inverloch, chiens// dead instrument// whoresnation, secret cutter, hivesmasher, matka teresa/ syntax, btk (bind torture kill), organ dealer/ nerve grind/ invertebrate, feastem, ed gein, afgrund (swe/fin), cognizant, fell ruin, facada, narakah, code error, lycanthrophy/ saywhy?, sneezing pus/ vomi noir, bodies in the gears of the apparatus, resonance cascade/järnbörd, ras/ disturbance project, haemophagus/ subjugation, blurring, warsore/ autoritar, warsore/ soil of ignorance, mesrine/ g.o.d., agathocles/ mpg, agathocles/ terror firmer, nice idiot, circle of dead children, ape unit/ horsebastard, d.h.i.b.a.c., existench/ agathocles, stheno/ world downfall, prisoner 639/ throw me in the crater, der/ aberrant split cd, nak'ay/ archagathus, drdoom/ collision, agathocles/ neid, deboned/ existench,