baby+dino — similar artists: tar'goraan, childhood memories, warm smial, hammer & flail recordings, vampyric tomb mold, north fortress, goose mother, keeper of the gates, krampusnacht, dungeon synth cult, black epheria, servant of ulvaar, nebulous of blood, gölgaräh, an old witch's hat, shadowlore compilations, hyperborean might, ancestral axe, caustic grave wind, lone sentinel/elminster, therolos, baby dino, orlok's mourning, caveghoul - nebulous of blood, alkilith/lone sentinel, caveghoul/ till, forest mage, enchanted dagger, angnesum, chronicles of jest, lord chrysocyon, grandpa's cottage, longmoan, granny's little bakery, of antler and oak, under the branches of old trees, læraðr, decrepit corridor, hróðvitnir, eldritch wizardry, mum & dad, olde fox den, erythrite throne/seregost, unemployed uncle bob, serpentis, abholos, The Herbalists, witch haunt, lyendell, ~*faerie cross grotto*~, candlelight sorcery, bitter old wizard, sewer ritual, autumnal graves, somnambulistic nightmare, old decrepit sword, abysa,