art+of+fighting — similar artists: ron s peno and the superstitions, emma russack & lachlan denton, alannah russack, the tall grass, digger and the pussycats, half a cow records, infinity broke, pel mel, adalita, rob snarski | snarskicircuslindyband, snarskicircuslindyband, pony face, cash savage and the last drinks, mike noga, joel silbersher, bluebottle kiss, north of america, heath cullen, snowy band, jamie hutchings, sound as ever (australian indie 90-99), bluetile lounge, ups and downs, snout, last leaves, lachlan denton, pop filter, milk! records projects, clouddead, parallel lions, vincey, shifting sands (au), silver scrolls, leo mullins, carissa's wierd, themselves, popboomerang, art of fighting, charlie owen, blueline medic, sneaky feelings, big scary, underground lovers, rob snarski and his so-called friends, gersey, grifters, lachlan & snowy, tim steward, sandpit, nick craft, the blackeyed susans, ev-en, Mimicking Birds, sunnyboys, downs, alannah russack's entropy band, studio magic,