absolver — similar artists: crud (fl), weltesser, navajo witch, black tomb, stille volk, highbernation, tombtoker, grave ascension, exaugurate, mountain witch, bleeth, auric, boatman's toll, weed priest, hæthen, lethal means, staring at screens, hexendrone, hellas records, hellraizerr, absolver, the wisdoom, i am the liquor, zombie eater, morganthus, priapus, alphanumeric, sea of bones, witchcliff, owlcrusher, slug lord, crowhurst, goblin hovel, death carrier, moon far away, waft, fire in the cave, throneless, boghaunter, uncle buck, spirit division, boru, smoke mountain, eye of nix, nochnoy dozor, dead end thoughts, of spire & throne, nomadic rituals, pyosisified, heretic rites, wizard union, silence in the snow, godhead lizard, nadsad, future terror, burn your highness, omega void,