D.P.R. — similar artists: platonoff, tempza, philippahanna, jettenbach, british misery, prd, aya dia, D.P.R., stolen light, emba, 2b.frank, Dragon & Jettenbach, kubiks, sense of self, wnw, ffi digital, sfv, Javeon, bcee, ativ, er_ka, noise hangover, audible masticators, the vanguard project | l-side, jim lawton, techtonics, GEST, scott haining, narishkeit, the sister hook, xah, mariela rossi, Pola & Bryson, shallower, poisonous cure, BMH, The Vanguard Project, MONRROE., the deep bleed, archaik, fail, slay, Linguistics, saikon, mademoiselle marchand, j3m5, brandy haze, Loz Contreras, five alley, obi franky, mackadena, hendekagon, maruda, Craw$e, jon watkins, ruth royall, tatora,