zoldier+noiz — similar artists: kever, vorum, pragnavit, regurgitated guts, tymah, armoured angel, vile command, invincible force, aphoom zhah, rattenfänger, udumbal, soulcide, eternal dirge, decaying crypt, můra, antiversum, karna, zmrok, degial, shards of humanity, voidspawn, gospel of the horns, balance interruption, hvarna, varhorn, disgod, deathsiege, victim path, kruk, sabbatory, marius salynas, noluntas, dire omen, daughter of the bitch, scumripper, slutvomit, necromaniac, asguard, cadaveric cult, bloodrain, exsul, spellblood, intellect devourer, hexenslaught, ahret dev, horrisonous, osterweg, abysmalist, third storm, crurifragium, door into emptiness, thy feeble saviour, binah, necros christos, atavistic decay, perpetratör, abjvration,