yorkston — similar artists: yorkston, ghatak, grasscourt, THE ATHLETES, thorne, james yorkston, molly linen, a.r. pinewood, jaycock, burge, afterlands, callum easter, gordon mcintyre, savage mansion, bulbils, brawl records, LauraCannell, martha ffion, kate ellis with adrian crowley, milène larsson, slow tree, woodford halse, bonfire hill, bas jan, david a jaycock, adrian hart, susan bear, gerard black rozi plain jamie whitby-coles, yorkston/thorne/khan, lost map records, the radiophonic workshop, the gn band, herbert powell, adam ross, jenny moore, sdf, kiszes, seamus fogarty, human don't be angry, king's daughters & sons, will burns, kinbote, victoria hume, delifinger, Pictish Trail, charlotte greig, the second hand orchestra, koppies, oort_(tno), northern exchange, firestations, Alliyah Enyo, undermedvetenheten, clémentine march, happy spendy, monoganon, cambrian records,