wolf eyes w/spykes — similar artists: k2 - k. kusafuka, barf thoth, mirror ii rorrim, tile cassette, alix cain, francesco aprile, and tom burris, screwicide, joan krawford fan club, not 1/2, westerhalf, mitchell brown, spiral tanks, king ebu, steve llama, michaela koran, the nevari butchers, blows, katznoise, sick llama, particle abductor, arnold mathes, heath moerland, fag tapes / antartica, wolf eyes w/spykes, full meat jacket, the nath family, crafts building, he wields a sword, but alas, he's addled, chet green, the pale moon, soul carvers, breathe heavy, waste ground, colorguard, dilloway, aaron dilloway, demoon skirt, devi's augur, pain computer, aspirale, abner malaty, connelly, nohere man, croque mort, agog, eliza and parry, rölling stëins, collectif incertain, lunus, von hoffmannstahl, solomonoff, deaf lions, raven strain, max julian eastman,