wistful+memory — similar artists: dunegon, fantasy audio magazine, leafbutterfly, dungeon synth compilations, myld, lisa lynne franco, manly p. hall, mystical negativity, craft cassette series, matti joy, kevin gundlach, eric hines, dr. vrooom, mc strange, george tortorelli, christian nicholas gough, mons, lamerak, great mercenary, wistful memory, Daliborovo Granje, rap2h, satabban, anser, goblin mage, ermitage, hemlock goblin, ald'ruhn, richard zelada, nokturnuus, ivory altar, pvmkyn mage, high mage x kletttermax, indrid cold, blood sword, abstract eon, liminaut, mighty alchemist, bál, sines of exquisite pleasure, earthen shield, anorion, misty keep, wodenwyrd, idylls of the last king, fovvl mage, pull the strings, eisige venen, boughs enshrouded, tormentomb, danielle morbid, wallachian coven, overlooked, weregnome records, herne, weinender nachzehrer, giardino dei laghi,