bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

whatever+forever — similar artists: holy figures, waax, yr friends, anakin, Sidewave, askysoblack, ambleside, lowlives, go deep, youth in bloom, my iron lung, you monster you, bleach garden, royal brat, kitten forever, Superheaven, surrenderson, cursetheknife, sudden suspension, gravedweller, the northwestern, agapanther, the hard aches, anxious arms, yr poetry, leaving time, split chain, fake eyes, inside the whale, Notches, birdskulls, catbath, end these days, smelter, dull mourning, purplene, green grass for miles, mayfly records, squid fishing, are we static, hollow suns, excide, somerset thrower, glazed eyes, zen haircuts, clearbody, driving in silence, rockford, soul blind, star funeral, scarlet street, the arrival note, the sunset doctrine, the jorneta stream, suntitle, stereotyped, we are not robots,