weedeous+mincer — similar artists: weedeous mincer, captain three leg, short order, honky tonk overlords, anal massaker, wallcollapse, whoretorn, yeast infection, hypo-christians, mamarracho, distant trains, cavernous sores, mean dave, pantalones abajo marinero, green terror, vanishing cities, no bread! records, the decapitated midgets, cacasonica, raw addict, embryonic cryptopathia, violent headache, bong rips for jesus, bound and gagged, sign of the sorcerer, stocked records, couple skate, the men's toilet, hyperemesis, lincoln love log, dysmenorrheic hemorrhage, rev14cs50, ghostbusters, bitch infection, heinous, population reduction, wadge, necrose, malum arcana, bloodsuckers, magt, radiation vomit, amoebic dysentery, sockeye, i shit on your face, skullnbone, urine festival, cystic embalmment, barbarossas rhabarber barbaren, clogged, breathilizör, human menu, deep fried embryo, think shit, putrescent seepage, guro, stinkhole,