warkrusher â similar artists: warkrusher, genogeist, zygome, terminal filth, kinetic orbital strike, the lousy, barren soil, nocturnal scum, after the bombs, d-sagawa, dishönor, kazmer, skullnbone, deviated instinct, death evocation, napalm raid, horrendous 3d, hellish view, cimiterium, st 009, ultrarat, step to freedom, kromosom, scalple, apĂ€rĂ€, swordwielder, lebenden toten, dethfox, parasytes, ćć·çè
(paranoid), ahna, faucheuse, the diskonected, dislies, instinct of survival, metachrist, snÀggletooth, sexface, ultrarat - ratcage, neverending mind war, jag out!, rataa, blistering noise, niños rata, anguished life, population reduction, deformed existence x visions of chaos, runstate tapes, trÀumer, spirokete, femacoffin, corrupted human behavior, cotÀrd, death gasp, last legion alive, vivisected numbskulls, lifeless dark,