wardenclyffe — similar artists: second grave, predawn, arkham witch vault, the lone madman, high warden, heretic rites, mountain throne, crimson altar, serpent warning, sadhak, soul invictus, scald (epic doom metal), doomicidal, cult of sorrow, leather nun america, majesty in ruin, iron hearse, gloomed, creeping flesh, inuka, spirit division, the wandering midget, stone magnum, initiated, witching altar, elfspell, lords of triumph, seven houses burn (viihb) official, fall of the idols, brocken, spiritus mortis, morganthus, starlight ritual, serpent rider, crowned in earth, brigantia, dionysiaque, helėh, stone cadaver, dryasdust, dagothar, spiral grave, eldritch rites, blessed realm, the lamp of thoth, bifter, strange horizon, acolytes of moros, septure, slug lord, wiser fool, the ossuary, mangog, massive assault, hellascope, stone ship, eternal black,