vulgar+pigeons — similar artists: circle of dead children, crowpath, kill the client, blood freak, iconic vivisect, oral fistfuck, the partisan turbine, abnormity, population reduction, begging for incest, maggot colony, abysmal torment, endless affliction, decimated humans, acranius, leprous divinity, carnal disfigurement, hellcraft, msrblflr, illogicist, impaled, goatsblood, human vivisection, inferia, as eden burns, lethality, intravenous contamination, maruta, the dying light, endless decrepitude productions, guttural secrete, willowtip, beyond terror beyond grace, placenta powerfist, tombthroat, voracity, parlamentarisk sodomi, drain of impurity, ezophagothomia, pestilectomy, vulgar pigeons, impulsive gluttony, cerebral incubation, mereflesh, incesticide, sadistic butchering, stillbirth, cropment, coprobaptized cunthunter, necrotted, commit suicide, not your friends, the sovereign, the infinite within, sentenced uk, wardaemonic, ichorid,