void+alchemy — similar artists: zakaz, pillars of crucifixion, urnscent, imperceptum, 0-nun, boru, benthik zone, zwiespalt, offenbarung, lvme, profetus, weed priest, elemental transcendence, fell ruin, sjálfsmorð af gáleysi, msrblflr, enscelados, malaöun, fragments of lost memories, black pyre, throneless, salqiu, aldaaron, burn your highness, crépuscule d'hiver, novere, desperation eclipse, atrate, transcending rites, a monumental black statue, andvaka, nekus, exaltatio diaboli, bál, kaal akuma, death carrier, earthson, steingrab, moeror, blattaria, petrale, nirrti, bestial hate crime., pale shroud, bezdech, sinister downfall, anguine, ire wolves, vaaltovashe, dauðaró, dead end thoughts, pythonissam, alkymist (can), yuxa, psionic madness, wyrmwoods, sutratma,