varhara — similar artists: sjálfsmorð af gáleysi, salqiu, bál, 0-nun, zwiespalt, msrblflr, mnajdra, goddamn gringos, cora's heart, out of the mouth of graves, sapientia diaboli, nirrti, psionic madness, Agos, legion of wolves, vølus, transcending rites, dispar, thermohaline, atrate, aiaa7, bihargam, não houve amanhecer, mireplaner, anorion, blitzar iv, sáasil, summer haze '99, uamh, strani orizzonti autoproduzioni, petrale, lev'myr, tàmailt, sjöhäxan, boru, crestfallen, raat, naesea, blood sword, icare, crangonyx, empyrean vessel, hircine, earthen altar, iira, lágrimas, i see satan fall like lightning, vitalith, sacred noose, greyfleshtethered, fiadh productions, voar bòcan, iarmhairt, namebearer, music to go extinct to, bán sidhe dogs, gwenwyn,