bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

varaha — similar artists: varaha, glare of the sun, marianas rest, décembre noir, the holeum, exgenesis, collapse of light, adora vivos, october tide, thenighttimeproject, erancnoir, eye of solitude, deathwhite, godthrymm, howling sycamore, the crawling, lux incerta, the drowning, shattered hope, pulchra morte, void of sleep, the eternal, sun of the dying, ofnus, hecatoncheir, counting hours, 殞煞 vengeful spectre, boreal hymn, soulmass, loviatar, windfaerer, hanging garden, gloson, lebensnacht, the moth gatherer, prosthetic records, altari, svadilfare, rise to the sky, huntsmen, invernoir, ghosts of glaciers, lying figures, amherawdr, isole, shadecrown, below the sun, mercury circle, morne, fin'amor, a swarm of the sun, ashes of life, soijl, inexistenz, evadne, dawn of solace, when nothing remains,