völniir — similar artists: völniir, master's call, salqiu, vølus, 0-nun, kade storm, raven god, Agos, hajotos, sjálfsmorð af gáleysi, psionic madness, out of the mouth of graves, beyond the grasp of light, lidelse, vosbúð, somnium nox, raised by owls, laere, preludium, andracca, victim of reality, ljáin, devil city cult, msrblflr, farsoth, ekdikēsis, astral evocation, bál, virus of koch, black pyre, goddamn gringos, sapientia diaboli, the antichrist imperium, marghöfða dýrið, wolvencrown, whinlatter, mylingar, transcending rites, blood sorcery, sinmara, angstloch, aerdryk, the holy flesh, zwiespalt, mogila deathcult, apex terror, december screams embers, nirrti, dark east productions, kâl, omhosten, knowledge through suffering, atrate, misanthropik torment, blasfeme, verletzen, ekrom,