bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

usurper+of+modern+medicine — similar artists: the space spectrum, doctopus, mei saraswati, moths & locusts, nika mo, thee telepaths, usurper of modern medicine, southbound snake charmers, cinema prague, modern stars, trevor's head, diger rokwell, hayley beth, lunar grave, shit narnia, strange broue, ryan beno, manthra dei, joni in the moon, eidetic seeing, black voodoo train, the spacious mind, mother falcon, circus cannon, mayan ruins, black wail, didion's bible, apricot rail, spirit division, Enos, primrose path, oulu space jam collective, domboshawa, the psychocandies, soul thief, dayz of purple and orange, bluesong, lamagaia, cloud person, primordial undermind, meshigarse conglomerate, mining tax, dunst, NAIK, Cruel Noon, andromeda mega express orchestra, the exploding lies, die rote erde, ermine coat, krautwerk, the brow, holy monitor, scaevola's fire, boat show, brain pyramid, black moon circle, ascanio borga,