unholy+crucifix — similar artists: thy feeble saviour, walpurgia, nexul, himelvaruwe, occelensbrigg, lux noctis, ordem satânica, graancirkel, degredo, vile command, demonarchy, infernal sacrament, devouring serpent, barbaric horde, thy sepulchral moon, borda's rope, zalmoxis, scum liquor, crurifragium, armnatt, human agony, methgoat, cadaveric cult, spectral corruption, liturgy of desecration, ocerco, vizir, ordo cultum serpentis, black blood invocation, lethal siege, valhalla bound, witchrist, wolfswut, supremative, blood chalice, ke/hil, holocausto em chamas, fanaticism, arnor/pagan moon, witch'scastle, megalith grave, trench stench, ancient burial, psychotomimetic, sammas' equinox, hellfire deathcult, necroblood, goathex, goat piss, segregación primordial, vomit kult, wampirvs sinistrvs, luciferian annihilation cult, teach your soul with fire, enligthen, north dissonant voices, trance of the undead,