trucker+diablo — similar artists: godhead lizard, his masters voice - the devils blues, supervoid/ red desert, dryasdust, the moonshine brand, kingnomad/bonehawk, doublestone, spirit division, stone cadaver, mount soma, DSW, shellfin, space probe taurus, fairy duster, red mesa/blue snaggletooth, lizard queen, stone cream, black thai, ride the sun/ the trikes, switchblade jesus/ fuzz evil, red spektor, crystal warlock, the judge, the dirty earth, wychhound, great rift, parasol caravan, cortez/ wasted theory, blue black hours, kingnomad, blues funeral, the ghost next door, i am the sun, sahara surfers, sonic mass, kayleth/favequaid, smoke mountain, trucker diablo, simon magus, lord montague, scuzzy yeti, mountain dust, palace in thunderland, chief of smoke, the acid guide service, from the ages, red wizard, rascal whack, doomicidal, hard rock revolution, violence of the sun, cult of sorrow, mexicoma, morganthus, foghound, fool magician, palm desert,