tools+of+the+trade — similar artists: riffs and spliffs, mathcore index, seven planets, rotten sound, wizard union, turbid north, irist, kill division, the ultra electric mega galactic, supernaughty, nightkin, olde growth, in the presence of wolves, deliriant nerve, cats on amps, jerky dirt, magnetic eye records, viruses, dog fashion disco, retro futurist records, claymation, wasted theory, mental chaos, various artists [magnetic eye records 2016 sampler], red beard wall, nopes, ghastly sound, freighter, lowflyinghawks, burial waves, timesnake, the sugarman 3, mexicoma, whitenails, asthma castle, horsehunter, verminous scum, the phuss, sabbatariam, skeletons in the piano, caustic casanova, girlsondrugs, origami horses, akûma, nebula drag, code error, man in the woods, dying wizard, priapus, cinemechanica, these beasts, ajna chakra, mountain dust, i am become death, ghosts of black river, puny human, sleeping child,