tony+furtado — similar artists: tony furtado, eli west, mandolessons, brad kolodner, greg garrison, alex hargreaves, taylor kingman, john weed, stuart mason, mandolin orange, allison de groot & tatiana hargreaves, tim o'brien & darrell scott, the haar, fern maddie, The Honey Dewdrops, wishbone ash, tristan scroggins, mike marshall, sofia talvik, the sentimentals, jenna moynihan, adam hurt, john doyle & mick mcauley, psychograss, 9bach, colleen raney, joe k. walsh, john whelan, grant gordy, damian erskine, an dochas, ninebarrow, sawmill joe, jeffrey foucault, mike + ruthy, rodeola, ange hardy, huck notari, we banjo 3, amy turk, love, dean, melody walker, zoe mulford, threedom, ben winship, jon stickley trio, band of comerados, papa wemba, reb and the good news, traonach, the quiet american, mr sun, chris silver, dominick leslie and ric robertson, viv & riley, the ruglifters, pete sutherland,