those+poor+bastards — similar artists: those poor bastards, MUNLY, sons of perdition, lonesome wyatt and the holy spooks, the lupercalians, reverend glasseye, jaran hereid, dbuk, heathen apostles, slim cessna's auto club, the lee lewis harlots, slackeye slim, lord dwight pentacost, the cowmen, the sad bastard book club, munly j munly 32nd°, scac, palodine, slim cessna, nicki jaine, elemental chrysalis, munly j munly, lindy-fay hella, henry derek elis, rachel brooke, amber asylum, jb nelson, daemonia nymphe, ford theatre reunion, thou shalt not, thayer sarrano, that sinking feeling, george cessna, the elemental chrysalis, the disjoints, longshot nelson, wrekmeister harmonies, o'death, jarboe, bergin, smith, the peculiar pretzelmen, cancerslug, oxbow, autumn tears, sowulo, r.l. burnside, oldboy of the fens, viva le vox, phantom of the black hills, fearthainne, michael tarbox, black sheep screaming, revue noir, dead soldiers, deerborn, KMFDM, unto ashes, the scarring party,