this poison! — similar artists: one thousand violins, the bodines, this poison!, the weather prophets, hurrah!, the soup dragons, the flaming stars, field school, the umbrella puzzles, lost ships, the bachelor pad, the dentists, stephen's shore, the bv's, old bad habits label, marine research, heavenlyindie, close lobsters, spearmint, nancy sin, the telephone numbers, the hannah barberas, the jasmine minks, star tropics, vetchinsky settings, the five year plan, the test of time, dead famous people, jetstream pony, the catenary wires, rachel love, the light music company, the memory fades, even as we speak, famous problems, the orchids, the photocopies, standard fare, the passmore sisters, meyverlin, my raining stars, the cat collects, artsick, they go boom!!, strange passage, swansea sound, sullen eyes, model shop, action painting!, the smashing times, the chesterfields, jeanines, english summer, the national honor society, smile too much, battery point, the golden eaves,