the+temple+dark — similar artists: DeathBoy, helium horse fly, cryogenic echelon, w. angel's conquest, DEgITx, valhom, waking dream, the sign of ampersand, vale of amonition, oncethesun, moaning silence, lichtscheu, virgolamia, impact pulse, zulmet, daemon lost, tragodia, misthaven, stroamata, céphée lyra, seven7, x-kin, ruins of elysium, daedalean complex, vondt, n0emi aurora - helalyn flowers, duesterlust, arthos, monarch woods, sinners moon, sarcoma, menzia, yara-ma, xenomorphine,, blood temptation, elía karma, second silence, virion, xolti, ossonor, we all have day jobs, immanent, until the silence screams, bloodparade, woe is the accursed earth, selene, wings of purity, dreams of agony, avarice in audio, a clockwork opera, art of violet, dory daydreamer, lureaway, preemptive strike 0.1, blodwen, lost effect,