the+sunbirds — similar artists: the beremy jets, nossiennes, relay tapes, peach gardens, 4vesta, color crush, waterville, shoe shine six, dirishu6, the leontini vernacular, Lightfoils, lavender blush, t. g. shand, the virgance, spirit system, polar lows, sugar violets, fers, flu flu, mainlight, prepare my glider, soon, she said, japanese heart software, visiting diplomats, pluto is a planet, reverbage, rilev, wireheads, hush pup, sleep overload, the ocean greys, the belair line band, the surrounded, we.the pigs, watoo watoo, the condos, the moas, death of heather, the churchhill garden, dream room, goodbye ranger, fir cone children, submotile, lemondaze, hyperlilly, moon museum, vet trip, Fun With Ether, Kimono Lights, Fragile Animals, syupeo jenjang, wybercron, the virginia planes, true primitives, burning house, atmos bloom, glixen,