the+sunbathers — similar artists: nancy sin, field school, lost ships, the umbrella puzzles, the bv's, stephen's shore, star tropics, palespectres, the two drink minimums, bill botting, they go boom!!, the hannah barberas, sullen eyes, battery point, the sweetest touch, the rainyard, the hobbes fanclub, my raining stars, marble gods, famous problems, the five year plan, cherryade records, brideshead, the golden eaves, tiny fireflies, a certain smile, the memory fades, archdeacon of pop records, would-be-goods, european sun, jeanines, next time passions, chorusgirl, jessica & the fletchers, the choo choo trains, pop at summer, meyverlin, the passmore sisters, the smith garrett band, the sunbathers, bel étage, whoa melodic, the great electric, red red eyes, shiny times, dead famous people, english summer, dj downfall, sportique, model shop, the national honor society, spearmint, frozy, cinema lumiere, one thousand violins, chaoticpoprecs, hate week,