the+return+of+squamish+punk+night — similar artists: squamish punk night, the return of squamish punk night, kool & the gang bangers, the usurpers, trigger cut disaster relief, personal damage, connie voltaire, 5¢ freakshow, tadpole records, the blowtorches, nobodys, vedicardi, exociety, in evil hour, punk 4 the homeless, neo neos, wraths, grow your own records, chaneys, cross stitched eyes, RTTB-Records, skullcrack, neotypes, the ultracore, bastard face, love exposure, the persecuted, atd, left for dead, skulled, born innocent, the dayglo abortions, cheap appeal, just another monster, toxic rites, bikini cops, the fomites, emission control, reset generation, road of girl, bug central, left hand black, meat wheat, Psychosomatic, america's most haunted, blood ties, the corps, beebb, qqql, the vapids, mcpherson struts, anonymericans, anthrax (uk), evelyn's casket, convoy cabriolet, horror section, slow death records,