the+rainyard — similar artists: the rainyard, lost ships, field school, the umbrella puzzles, stephen's shore, the bv's, nancy sin, palespectres, meyverlin, my raining stars, they go boom!!, brideshead, archdeacon of pop records, the national honor society, the test of time, pop at summer, the five year plan, a certain smile, the golden eaves, the passmore sisters, star trip, strange passage, sullen eyes, chris richards and the subtractions, battery point, the memory fades, the muldoons, next time passions, the sweetest touch, star tropics, tomiji, the jangle band, last leaves, the hannah barberas, model shop, men only, silver screen, the chesterfields, mumbly, lightning in a twilight hour, english summer, the hobbes fanclub, tiny fireflies, treebound story, son bou, melbourne cans, pups, distant shore, jeanines, the stammer, chestnut bakery, emma russack & lachlan denton, famous problems, pet milk, the photocopies, the telephone numbers, cinema lumiere,