the+quiet+american — similar artists: brad kolodner, autotectonic, tony furtado, Jake Blount, allison de groot & tatiana hargreaves, y niwl, the stuart brothers, theo hilton, cindy wilson, our native daughters, evie ladin, rushad eggleston, the rosie hood band, nanoshrine, the wild band of snee, pete sutherland, tim cummings, and ryan woods, Koloto, the ruglifters, hard drive, ellaharp, the quiet american, slow_the_tape, charm city junction, zedashe, nazo daȯken, nano神社 (✪ᄌ✪), the bicycles, Entertainment For The Braindead, toby foster, keston cobblers club, rob mcmaken, jason cade, the sound of science, ever-lovin' jug band, the rocky creek ramblers, viv & riley, rainy eyes, sister moon, dirk powell, & ryan woods, so many things at once - a 6612 tapes compilation, broken chanter, brother sun, hog-eyed man, the butt-wizards, trevor stuart, i really appreciate tips and/or veganism, sparklesaurus, the magic wizard band, volo bogtrotters, rushad, the bucking mules, the onlies, brendan doyle, maxine gerber,