the+psychics — similar artists: mayatrix, his masters voice - the devils blues, the dirty earth, great rift, scaevola's fire, blue black hours, sahara surfers, fungus hill, mammuten, willow child, mount soma, rukh, dryasdust, mother mooch, soul thief, lord montague, the road miles, monarchus, son of the morning, the grand rapids, Heavy Feather, blackwater prophet, the psychics, the moonshine brand, holy monitor, luna cruise, occult witches, fool magician, apollo80, sisters ov the blackmoon, val cale, bolivar cola, mountain dust, shellfin, libido fuzz, ten cent pistols, king zog, second grave, doctopus, stone cadaver, parasol caravan, sonic mass, red spektor, western kinsmen of the sun, godhead lizard, stone in egypt, stereo siberia, lizard queen, tanaya harper, the archaic revival, crimson altar, t-rex quiet, this other kingdom, nerve quakes, the acid guide service, fairy duster, the pissedcolas,