the+plodes — similar artists: shitlord fuckerman, tommy tone, pale red, adrian teacher, megamall, apollo ghosts, the subs, acr (aaron charles read), the golden age of wrestling, kamikaze nurse, mr. merlot, devours, little sprout, bedwetters anonymous, chris-a-riffic, freak dream, music waste, tj felix, gil goletski, auto syndicate, nice apple, champion lawnmower, jay arner, tough customer, ton-k, cult babies, house wind, gal gracen, the plodes, music waste 2021 lineup, rotten column, cavegirl, sled island music & arts festival, the black lab, tough age, jock tears, alimony, kitty prozac, dopey's robe, milk jr., wut, timing x, new vaders, sbdc, bored décor, shrouded amps, fine mist, yep, cool tv, be afraid, brutal poodle, future star, trashtronix, non la, polly dactic, kellarissa, bananahaus,