the+passing — similar artists: the lousy, kinetic orbital strike, abysmalist, puro odio, witch ward, můra, severed boy, vile command, tristengrav, genogeist, gramarye, vivisected numbskulls, invincible force, vile gash, shrieking demons, exsul, warkrusher, crossspitter, regurgitated guts, cadaver dog, the passing, thy feeble saviour, barren soil, arrêt, dødskvad, nyredolk, ahna, oči vlka, kazmer, hounds of war, stress angel, anguished life, perinei, doldrey, kontusion, destripados, encoffinate, perihelion gnosis, wald krypta, kauhu, bastard cröss, apraxic, sycophant, spirokete, cthonica, 偏執症者 (paranoid), invertebrates, scalple, spectres & teeth, personal damage, bone sickness, décryptal, decaying crypt, röntgen, cotärd, prousted, wombcage,