the+nits — similar artists: sniffany, the nits, theee retail simps, gee tee vee, true sons of thunder, blonde revolver, abi ooze, garbage disposal union, virvon varvon, c.p.r. doll, cel ray, goodbye boozy digital, the darling buds, all hits, cb radio gorgeous, real losers, jj and the a's, the gobs, it thing, star party, g.t.r.r.c, alien nosejob, display homes, consensus madness, ghoulies, belly jelly, set-top box, miss españa, the celebrities, sniffany & the nits, good looking son, tee vee repairmann, Itchy, lothario, added dimensions, feeling figures, hick tracy, the yeasties, snooper, glittering insects, wet dip, golden starlet, hot chicks, 1-800-mikey, the real distractions, exxxon, brick head, blue dolphin, choncy, the primate five vs the traditional fools, new buck biloxi, lafff box, the prissteens, the neuros, thee artificial rejects, tv repairman, satanic togas,