bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

the+monolith — similar artists: duckcore, the sunchymes, the paul & john, loup garoux, diamond hands, david garza, level the city, a trust unclean, icosian, chris richards and the subtractions, ceruleus, ella guro, Emperor Penguin, jack hues & the quartet ft. syd arthur, of glaciers, ken sharp, billy & dolly, seditionist, the monolith, the click beetles, plague widow, the genuine fakes, greg pope, big phony, calmed by the tides of rain, by the thousands, the rallies, the hopewell furnace, the pantookas, Goh Nakamura, the unidentified flavors, altered perceptions, the milk and honey band, hate priest, coke belda, the top boost, collections, the ghosters, gretchen's wheel, clifffs, the bye bye blackbirds, Melos Han-Tani, mentally blind, wyatt funderburk, cannibal grandpa, the well wishers, underwater sunshine, this is sparta, amy millan, point below zero, dr cosmo's tape lab, sjd, phonograph, labyrinthe, blind oracle, dawn of leviathan, the corner laughers,