the+minus+5 — similar artists: scott the hoople, ye olde young fresh fellows, the dungeons of horrors, young fresh fellows, the junior league with scott the hoople, the baseball project, the no ones, fastbacks, the yes masters, the minus 5, filthy friends, steve wynn, kurt bloch, gretchen's wheel, the mission express, chris richards and the subtractions, gary louris, the brotherhood of lizards, jay gonzalez, slim dunlap, amy rigby, marshall crenshaw, popboomerang, the harmonizers, the rallies, eyelids, the bye bye blackbirds, pylon reenactment society, the empty hearts, the junior league, the three o'clock, jon langford, Split Single, patterson hood, just a fan, The Jayhawks, bash & pop, nick lowe, the flat five chicago, charlie pickett with peter buck, bad scene, the complicated men, full toilet, gonzalez smith, peter holsapple combo, wreckless eric & amy rigby, the split squad, tom heyman, josh ritter, jon langford & the bright shiners, The Dream Syndicate, the doppel gang, palmyra delran, lucy ellis, tasty goody records, spencer tweedy, the stray trolleys,