the+midgard+project — similar artists: the midgard project, paladine, fractal cypher, ancient empire, ark ascent, vass-katsionis, seventh dimension, steel arctus, pyramid theorem, thoughts factory, kings winter, adamantis, sands of eternity, embrace of souls, dialith, shadowstrike, vision of choice, arrayan path, lastera, savage oath, vision denied, eternal winter, vivaldi metal project, star eternal, philosophobia, horizons edge, seven kingdoms, captain hawk, osyron, imaginature, bob katsionis, noveria, sky empire, etrange, prehistoria, chronosfear, ominous glory, words of farewell, ravian, subfire, shadowkiller, nightshadow, Animate, solitary sabred, validor, ilium, lord of light, anthropia, stormbound, principium, vitruvius, savage blood, silent winter, tower hill, reinforcer, visions of morpheus, sorceress of sin,