the+meatbeaters — similar artists: the vee bees, the meatbeaters, wreckless enterprise, the onyas, the stripp, sick pose, jupiter 5, impact statement, sick fizz, the australia beefweek show, the viveiro wave riders, walsh st cop killers, boondall boys, dole bludga, hy-test, the blurters, jodie flange, the mesmerisers, the clinch, cosmic psychos, chris masuak, dennis cometti, psychotic turnbuckles, cosmic kahuna, mindcrack, the owen guns, meatbeaters, rude rahlis, sick bags, violent abuse, the mortmen, straight to a tomb, the tokyo rankers, protospasm, the fuck outs, convict class, kids of skids, flangipanis, electro surgery//noise unit, the dayglo abortions, play ground of hate, casualty, hate is enough, the conspirators, milat, television records, blood chubb, the jerry spider gang, malato al cranio, subliminal pressure, fôrakt, crank county daredevils, nobodys victim, hass brut, creepshow promotions, ratlicker, tutti parze,