the+mandates — similar artists: telephone lovers, barreracudas, the jeanies, the shanghais, the breakdowns, the crazy squeeze, the new trocaderos, lovesores, tommy ray (& the cry!!), the mojomatics, la drugz, impo, the tents, lost balloons, the mandates, true sons of thunder, fashionism, radiohearts, candygirl, wyldlife, nightmen, the whiffs, chris richards and the subtractions, the goodnight loving, corner boys, the stanleys, the backseat angels, nikki corvette and the romeos, bubblegum screw, control freaks, baby shakes, los breakdowns, devious ones, shantih shantih, lucy and the rats, duncan reid and the big heads, a tribute to the hollywood brats & the boys, the whipshades, the white wires, the number ones, the tunas, glenn robinson, rockstar records, andy kavanaugh, the empty hearts, wild honey records, chip hanna, the connection, mother's children, tommy ray!, fdh records, lucy ellis, mandates, komplikations, bad luck charms, metalleg, tv's daniel,