the+malady+of+sevendials — similar artists: julie slick, echotest, bahner/slick duo, dj kinetik, gomeisa, dub ditch picnic, artificial canada bear, echotest x mingle, nosaj, of new kingdom, akrotiri poacher, jane barbe, standard definition, paper cat, tidehouse, clouwbeck, a broken consort, martin zellar, hypnagogic air defense, the electric cows, powder blue, no rgans, white dog family band, krautheim ii, the incinerators, snailpoison, dim dusk moving gloom, pink priest, jovo flanger dub co-op, tim hoover, secret girls, gremlynz, unearthed, art muscle, museums of sleep, greenhouse//mssng, the black hippies, pretty princess, grain count, repulsive bile, the hardways, nosaj of new kingdom, jason furlow, marco machera, white dog, burning house, simon godfrey, the blue herons, blue sky archives, imperial valley, riftmusic, ryanadams, mel collins, bruford levin upper extremities, a mix by crizwell, shineback, scaphoid,