the+life+and+times — similar artists: the life and times, birdhands, molly mcguire, season to risk, giants chair, j. robbins, matt talbott, spacesuit, traindodge, allen epley, shiner, office of future plans, christie front drive, the effects, jawbox, museum of light, ring, cicada, dropsonic, zach barocas new freedom sound, matelotage, survival knife, spotlights, calm collapse, secret machines, engine down, love cup, Vast Robot Armies, burial waves, Houston, hot snakes, red animal war, death of lovers, paramount styles, the austerity program, multicult, del rey, quicksand, polvo, new granada records, sleep lady, the string, pinebender, iron linings, Cloakroom, story of the sea, sisser, burning airlines, continuals, mossbreaker, see through dresses, seam, dead now, conan neutron & the secret friends, red stars theory, edsel, iron rite mangle, yes vacancy,