the+keening — similar artists: the keening, jordfäst, bhleg, from the ages, hoaxed, stygian ruin, nishaiar, pia isa, novembers doom, marianas rest, julie christmas, jerky dirt, lowflyinghawks, official jucifer, sorcia, kraken duumvirate, lotus thief, deepspacepilots, apex ten, comet control, panphage, fedrespor, varde, saiva, dråpsnatt, jodöden, wolvennest, witchhelm, godthrymm, b r i q u e v i l l e, black math horseman, iterum nata, drug cult, samán, flood peak, guhts, miserere luminis, stormruler, nachtzeit, drune, radiant knife, blodtår, farsot, baring teeth, Forndom, ovtrenoir, begravement, flesh of the stars, black kirin, bentrees, Dark Space, deer lord, waldgeflüster, suldusk, altari, dying wizard, armagedda,