the+deviant — similar artists: serpents oath, sarvekas, creeping flesh, wolves of perdition, vincent crowley, symbol of domination prod., morgue walker, armnatt, toxic carnage, the deviant, LISTENABLE RECORDS, tulus, kill division, machinations of fate, ekrom, untimely demise, issolei, dark descent records, valdaudr, static abyss, walpurgia, gods forsaken, musmahhu, fleshworks, thy sepulchral moon, gnipahålan, degredo, scum liquor, house by the cemetary, umoral, occelensbrigg, ironflesh, psionic madness, orichalchum, temple of dread, grimmdistribution, genocide pact, ordo cultum serpentis, throne of heresy, hån, metal defence, ocerco, psychopod, geistaz'ika, vomit ritual, abhoria, nattverd, summum, inflabitan, pillars of crucifixion, vølus, digerdöden, horror pain gore death productions, shrapnel storm, minnesjord, phantom fire, vizir,