the+broken+result — similar artists: one more victim, littledidweknow, sensory amusia, invert the idols, labyrinthe, point below zero, pronostic, born with open eyes, eye of ascendancy, roman ring, the broken result, did you mean australia?, samskarasmetal, the hopewell furnace, ending tyranny, the overmind, hollow world, conducting from the grave, awaking athena, and the kingdom fell, big end bolt, dawn of dementia, vena sera, the bridal procession, buried above ground, kossuth, the partisan turbine, dream void, malice divine, timeless wounds, endless affliction, fuck you and die, solus ex inferis, a hitman's business, in dread response, proliferation, necropia, erica goes to america, to obey a tyrant, where deprivation lies, hero's fate, whisteria cottage, ominous ruin, wastewalker, writhen, a trust unclean, the odious construct, virial, zombies ate my girlfriend, mephistophelian, altered perceptions, zac leaser, becoming the juggernaut, apotheon, a night in the abyss, the greatness design, karybdis,