the+blue+square — similar artists: apanemic, somehowart, beats & culture, Jenova 7, triobelisk, Melting Records, the beatfonics crew, heathen apostles, art aknid, wax triptych, Oddly Humes, cerberus shoal, unto ashes, daemonia nymphe, those poor bastards, mr. Gnome, palodine, amber asylum, thayer sarrano, ours samplus x grandhuit, katt rán, wrekmeister harmonies, cancerslug, autumn tears, nhor, lonesome wyatt and the holy spooks, soul whirling somewhere, r.l. burnside, oxbow, Ours Samplus, swedish columbia, jim (beatmaker), the beatfonics, slowly rolling camera, tanimura midnight, itaru, bmk, Bobby Oroza, Tour De Manège, aegis visitor, gecki, mr. moods, Boztown, frantic mantis, invisible sounds, ungt blod, space coke, the black heart procession, travelers of tyme, mutts, sigh-phy, french geometry, zeb-da spy from cairo, Hipcut, smokedbeat, bunnyhill, TheFrenchTouchConnection,