tea+leigh — similar artists: tea leigh, luke reed, doorbells, 4vesta, peach gardens, miniatures, holy drone, the beremy jets, relay tapes, shoe shine six, the emerald down, elephant micah, fever blush, tiny fireflies, nosferatu d2, t. g. shand, star tropics, Lightfoils, sillas famosas recordings, pliocene, shedfromthebody, stephen's shore, Moon Loves Honey, lavender blush, visiting diplomats, leave the planet, rilev, mint julep, lemondaze, twin studies, the blue herons, spotlight kid, korouva, lillet blanc, atmos bloom, trementina, polar lows, palm haze, prepare my glider, glixen, the churchhill garden, we.the pigs, nossiennes, mainlight, whitney ballen, wybercron, Star Horse, honeysuckle, japanese heart software, small forward, death of heather, burning house, lisa/liza, vet trip, shae tull, gold gloom, sophie koh,